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Why We Are Unable to Make a Purchase Without First Reading Online Reviews

Most consumers read online reviews before making a purchase. They either look at the product reviews themselves or venture over to a third-party review website such as

Whether a review is positive or negative, it establishes credibility. In addition, consumers often prefer to buy a product with many reviews, demonstrating authenticity. Here are some reasons why people read reviews.

1. They believe that the number of reviews is higher, which means the product is more popular.

2. They like to read unbiased reviews from unbiased people who have a similar experience to theirs.


Positive reviews establish credibility.

While the positive product or service reviews can help you make an informed decision, they also boost your SEO efforts. People read these reviews assuming that the reviewer is a current product or service user. It shows that you are a credible authority in the industry and that other people have been satisfied with the product or service you’re offering. If there are many positive reviews of a product or service, you can rest assured that the company is doing something right.

Responding to positive and negative reviews as quickly as possible is essential. You don’t need to respond to every single review, but it is necessary to genuinely thank the customers who have made a purchase with you. This also shows customers that you value their feedback and want to engage with them. This will encourage other customers to leave reviews as well. A business can also reduce negative reviews by making sure to respond to the most common complaints by customers.

A recent survey by BrightLocal found that 73% of customers trust a business more after reading a review. In addition, 57% of customers visit a company’s website after reading a review, demonstrating the importance of positive reviews for your business. Therefore, positive reviews are vital for your business to continue growing. Fortunately, there are several ways to get positive reviews from satisfied customers. In the case of HubSpot, the Chief People Officer responded to a customer’s review and called it “exceptional customer service.”

Customer content has skyrocketed recently, but many people question whether they should trust these reviews. Fortunately, PowerReviews, a review platform, partnered with Northwestern University’s Spiegel Digital and Database Research Center to study how customers rate online products and services. The study found that verified buyers’ reviews are more credible than those written by anonymous consumers, whose opinions are unrelated to the transaction.


Negative reviews establish credibility.

A majority of consumers read reviews before making a purchase. While getting positive reviews on a product can be challenging, customers are more apt to trust negative ones. It has been estimated that 82% of consumers look for negative reviews before making a purchase. Overly excellent reviews can make customers skeptical. The number of negative reviews also matters, as a recent study showed that customers feel more comfortable buying a product with at least one to 25 negative reviews.

If a customer posts a negative review about a product or service, businesses should respond to it. Rather than becoming defensive, companies should remain factual and respectful. If a customer has a legitimate complaint, they should be able to express genuine empathy and apologize. After all, this will help them feel comfortable doing business with them again. Unfortunately, many consumers don’t have the time or the inclination to read all these reviews.

As with any product, a negative review may seem counter-intuitive, but a business must respond honestly. A company that hides negative reviews from its customers does not earn much respect. An honest mix of positive and negative reviews on a product or service will help establish credibility before consumers purchase. Interestingly, 87% of businesses don’t address negative reviews, even for popular products.

A negative review may have nothing to do with the quality of the product or service. Ultimately, the response will determine whether a potential customer will visit your business again or not. You may have difficulty getting future customers if a negative review is left unanswered. However, a company that responds to negative reviews will establish credibility before a potential customer but will also help improve your search engine rankings.


Consumers prefer products with a higher number of reviews.

A recent study has found that consumers prefer products with more consumer reviews. Participants were given an equal chance of receiving a product with a high average rating versus a low average rating. The higher-rated product was chosen more often by participants. Researchers are unsure why this is. However, the higher average rating may have contributed to the study’s findings. Read on for more details. Here’s what we found.

Regarding online shopping, the average rating is less important than the number of reviews. This is in contrast to the traditional “highest-rated products” theory, which states that consumers gravitate toward the highest-rated items. According to the conventional approach, a half-star difference may influence a buyer’s decision. But new research has shown that the average rating is not the most critical factor in determining a customer’s decision. The higher the number of reviews, the more influential the product is for a customer.

In the study, consumers preferred a phone case with more reviews. The study also found that those exposed to the mock critiques online tended to buy the case with more reviews. However, these findings are inconsistent and must be considered within the study’s context. In the future, consumers will likely read product reviews to judge whether the product is worth buying.

Reviews are an essential tool for retailers. Unfortunately, consumers are more likely to read a negative review than a positive one. Online review platforms should make individual reviews more prominent and place less emphasis on average ratings. A higher number of reviews will ensure a higher quality product for the consumer. However, negative reviews are not the only factor to consider. If a negative review is a top review, retailers should respond accordingly.



When writing online reviews, consumers must be wary of fake ones. In recent surveys, 81 percent of U.S. consumers want the reviews they read to be monitored by a third party. Moreover, 55 percent trust reviews that have passed through a technology filter. However, this doesn’t mean that there is no way to determine if a review is genuine or not. To combat fakery, brands and online review platforms have created tools to detect and flag fraudulent reviews.

The framework developed by the Linguistic Study provides a methodological basis for determining review authenticity. The study also examines the extent to which different languages produce different reviews. After the results of this study, the guideline was used as an intervention in a between-participants experimental setup. In this study, 240 annotators annotated 54 reviews: 27 fictitious reviews and 27 authentic ones. Statistical analysis was conducted to determine the effectiveness of this guideline in identifying genuine and fictitious reviews.

The second decision-point instruction involves examining the wording of the review. Are there any references to specific places, brands, and cultural backgrounds? Do they use long words? If so, are they using pronouns and nouns? Third-person singular words and adjectives are a good indicator of fake reviews. Nevertheless, the third decision-point instruction requires the users to check the content of reviews for ambiguity.

These two approaches differ because the experimental group could better differentiate between fictitious and authentic reviews. The former relies on metadata and linguistic cues that allow them to identify non-duplicate fictitious reviews. Furthermore, the experimental group was marginally better at determining fictitious reviews. These results suggest that the practical approach is more effective than the former. And as an added benefit, the new methodology will allow the user to identify fictitious reviews more straightforwardly.



If you’re looking to buy something online, you’ve probably noticed the rise in reviews. According to one study, 89% of global consumers read online reviews before purchasing. And of those who check out these reviews, 49% rate them as one of their top three influences. That’s good news for businesses that provide transparent feedback. But what’s the downside of such a system?

First of all, you have to make sure the reviews are genuine. It’s not enough to have glowing reviews. You need real customers to know what to expect. A natural person will tell you what works and what doesn’t, and the reviewer will be a third party, unaffected by the business. That’s why you should try to be transparent with your reviews.

Second, you should make sure you know that customers won’t be leaving a review if they don’t feel comfortable doing so. But don’t be shy – most customers are happy to leave a review if asked to do so. And, since 68% of customers go reviews if asked, why not do it? After all, it costs a brand an average of $125 per year. And you don’t want that kind of money to waste by selling a poor quality product to a customer!

If you’re a first-time online shopper, you’ve probably seen a few fake reviews. Almost half of the internet users post reviews at least once a month. And when it comes to authenticity, consumers trust reviews more than any other method. But they still read product reviews from a variety of sources. In fact, consumers read over four product reviews before committing to a purchase.